Well done everyone for a fantastic week back - you have all had a brilliant week - lots of smiles, lots of laughter and lots of hard work.
Games in maths have helped us to remember our number values and learn a few more, while PE showed our more competitive side!
David Copperfield is giving us lots to think about in English and we look forward to reading further next week.
What a busy week. David Copperfield continues to excite us and we have produced some amazing vocabulary to describe the characters in the book and the effect of their actions on others.
Science topic has begun by investigating our teeth and why we must look after them! We will continue our experiment with different liquids and eggs to investigate the effect of sugar on our teeth, and we look forward to finding out if our predictions are correct.
First visit to the library this term provided an opportunity to share reading ideas with our friends and examine some books that we hadn't read before.
A huge thank you to everyone who supported our MacMillan reading cafe - it was great to be be able to chat and read with you all.
Emotions have been discussed in English this week as we investigated facial expressions and body language then produced some amazing vocabulary, which we then put into sentences, to describe the actions and their effects of some characters in our David Copperfield story.
Road safety and it's importance has been discussed in class this week - we all know how important it is to be very careful when around roads and traffic.
What a busy week! We have been investigating life in a Victorian school - we have written some amazing adjectives to describe the building and the feelings of the children who attended.
In Maths we have been using our dance moves to learn our times tables.
In science we used a piece of string to illustrate the length of our small intestine and to show how it winds up inside of us.
Thank you to Northumberland Fire Brigade who gave us a very interesting talk on the dangers of fire. We have learned a lot about safety since our return to school - crossing roads, staying off railways, internet safety and now fire safety. We continue to discuss the importance of all of our safey briefings to help us to stay safe!
Mary's meals and the importance of the work they carry out was discussed in class today we then designed a mug for Mary's meals.
Great team work this afternoon as we competed in a porridge oats relay - great fun but with an important message.
Another busy week in year 3/4, our understanding of Victorian schools and how it may have felt to attend one have resulted in some fantastic sentence work. Mental addition and subtraction was a challenge but we made it!
We have been singing during our music lessons this half term and have done an amazing job putting movement to our songs.
Art continues to inspire us, we have examined what calligraphy is then wrote and shaded our own characters! We then investigated the work of Gustav Klimt and drew our own tree of life using shapes - a fabulous job by everyone - well done!
What a busy week to finish half term with! We have written, checked and up levelled our setting description in a Victorian School, web have worked very hard on our addition and finished our science by examining the features of animal teeth.
A big thank you to Mrs Cafferkey for helping us with our final piece of art work during which we used all of the drawing techniques that we have practised - we are sure that you'll agree they all look amazing!
However, we have managed to have some quiet mindful time using music and movement to help us.
Happy half term everyone, have lovely rest - it's much deserved!
What a busy start to this half term. We have been using dictionaries to find the meaning of some challenging words in our Greek Myth and also using our thesaurus to find synonyms too!
Maths has been tricky but we have all made excellent progress on our formal addition and problem solving.
In DT we have begun to look at electricity and certainly completed some strange circuits!
Another busy week! During our examination of Greek myths in History and English we investigated why myths can vary and the reliability of oral history playing a whispering game to show this. Subtraction in maths has been a challenge but again year 3-4 were able to exceed all expectations.
Badminton tested our skills this week as we learned how different a shuttlecock can behave, compared to a ball, when thrown!
Another busy week in year 3-4. Analysing the thoughts and feelings of Hercules as he completed his 12 labours has resulted in some amazing vocabulary in preparation for writing our diary entry next week. Great progress has been made on our mathematical problem solving skills . In science we constructed our own flow charts to show how states of matter can change and sometimes change - but not always - back!
DT was fantstic we all produced a circuit and lit up a light bulb ! Well done to all.
Writing has been a key focus this week as we have completed our diary entries. We have used a thesaurus to find synonyms to avoid repetition in our work. We have peer marked our work, reslutling in some amazing diary entries showing how well we have understood the character of Hercules.
Multiplication and division have challenged us this week, as we used song and movement to support our recall of all of those number facts.
A bit hectic this week as we continue to discover more about Hercules and his labours. Multiplication in maths was tricky however we have all made great progress.
In DT we have almost completed our lamps , everyone has worked hard and there are some fantastic designs.
Thank you to everyone who attended our reading cafe, it was great to see everyone complete their library challenge and discover some new books too.
Phew what a busy week. We enjoyed making our Christingles and taking part in our annual service.
We have completed our letter to Zeus, persuading him to let Hercules into Olympus - we shall be reading the end of our story eagerly to find out if we have been successful! Peer marking has again been successful as we supported each other with our vocabulary and punctuation.