26th November 2024
Dear Parents and Carers of St George’s,
Parent Governor Vacancy for St Cuthbert’s and St George’s
We received three applications for our Parent Governor Vacancy. We will be holding a ballot via Survey Monkey so that the school community can decide which parent/carer will be appointed to join the Local Governing Committee as Parent Governor. Each applicant has written a short statement in support of their application which we will share with both schools. Please read each applicant’s statement to help inform your choice and then please participate in the ballot.
Poverty Proofing the School Day – No Gifts Sent into School Initiative
Please remember as part of our Poverty Proofing the School Day initiative, we will not be accepting any gifts into school for any of the adults from the children or families.
In agreement with all staff, any gifts which are sent into school will be donated to local charities. Please support St George’s and all of our children and families – please do not send any gifts in.
If parents/carers want to express thanks to staff then please send in a card, a letter or an email. This feedback is so valuable to our well-being and has such a positive impact on our morale and really is very much appreciated.
Christmas Family Fun Night Tuesday 3 December 3.15 - 4.30pm
We will be hosting our annual Christmas Family Fun Night fundraiser this year on Tuesday 3 December from 3.15pm until 4.30pm.
Please collect your child/children as usual from their normal collection point at 3.15pm and then come into the hall to join us. This is a great opportunity to spend some fun time in school with your child/children, so please do your best to attend.
There will be raffle tickets on sale on the day. The raffle will be drawn at 4.15pm.
We are still accepting donations and prizes for the raffle and tombola.
Christmas Productions
Please check our Dates for your Diary to ensure you don’t miss your child’s Christmas performance this year. As always and as part of our Safeguarding Policy, please keep any photos or videos you take during the performances for your own private use.
Christmas Party Day - Free Party Lunch and Disco
The whole school will be celebrating our Christmas Party Day on Thursday 19 December 2024. The party day is a gift from all staff to the children of St George's. There will be plenty of dancing and party games and the children will all enjoy a free Christmas Party Lunch. Children can wear their own clothes that day.
Dates for the Diary
We have a full list of all of our school events on the Dates for your Diary. Please check the dates carefully so that you don’t miss out on anything.
If there is anything you would like to discuss or if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support of St George’s; it is really very much appreciated by us all.
Best wishes,
Mrs Anne Bullerwell
Executive Headteacher