Social Development
At St George's, social development enables our pupils to understand the rights and responsibilities of living in a community and being a responsible citizen.
We are committed to:
- Fostering the skill and qualities of team building through the development of self-confidence, co-operation, sensitivity to others, reliability, initiative and understanding
- Providing an environment where pupils can take responsibility for themselves and others in school and the wider society
- Acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
- Enabling pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain
At St George's, we promote social development through:
- Gospel Values
- British Values
- PSHE/SRE curriculum
- Pupil voice and peer leadership roles
- Sports Day
- Educational Visits
- Extra-Curricular activities
- Supporting the local community
Moral Development
At St George's, moral development enables our pupils to know what is right and wrong and to act on it accordingly.
We are committed to encouraging our pupils to:
- Be truthful and honest
- Respect the rights and property of others, their opinions and customs, even when they are different from our own
- Help others
- Solve differences of opinion
Consequently, we reject all forms of bullying, cruelty, dishonesty, violence and discrimination and have procedures in place for dealing with such instances.
At St George's, we promote moral development through:
- Our Catholic Faith in Action
- Gospel Values
- British Values
- PSHE/SRE curriculum
- School Mission and Vision
- Golden Time
- Collective Worship
- Supporting charities and fundraising
Spiritual Development
At St George's, spiritual development enables pupils to look within themselves, at their human relationships and the wider world.
We are committed to:
- Celebrating our Catholic Faith and our Catholic Mission
- Celebrating the religious and non-religious beliefs and values that our pupils bring as part of their family culture/heritage and to build an awareness of and respect for others’ spiritual and religious beliefs
- Fostering common human values and building spiritual capacities to promote self-worth, self-esteem and a valuing of others
- Helping our pupils to come to an understanding of themselves as unique individuals
- Developing our pupils’ curiosity, imagination, creativity and promoting a sense of awe and wonder.
At St George's, we promote spiritual development through:
- Our programme of Prayer and Liturgy
- Our whole school assemblies
- Class and celebration assemblies
- Class presentations
- School visits to places of worship
- Educational visits and visitors which inspire awe and wonder
- Themed days and weeks
- RE curriculum
- PSHE/SRE curriculum
Cultural Development
At St George's, cultural development enables our pupils to acquire knowledge and understanding of others’ cultural traditions. We value and celebrate the cultural diversity of our school and our society.
We are committed to:
- Promoting an appreciation of our own cultural tradition/s and encouraging an appreciation of other peoples’ cultural traditions
- Celebrating the richness of culture and tradition
- Providing opportunities for pupils to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
At St George's, we promote cultural development through:
- Celebrating events
- Curriculum themed days designed to inspire, excite and inform the children for their upcoming topic
- Sharing children’s own personal experience
- Visits and visitors
- Music and Dance events
- Theatre Trips
- University Visits