Week beginning 18th December 2023
Early Years and Year 1 have loved being involved in the end of term Christmas activities, watching the KS2 Carol Service and taking part in the Cloth to the Cradle. We made calendars to take home and received letters from Santa!
We had a fantastic last day of term being surprised with a Christmas breakfast, enjoying a Christmas Disco and party lunch. We were thrilled to see Santa came to join us! He has heard that we have all worked hard this year!
Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year – see you in 2024.
Week beginning 11th December
This week we all retold the stories of the Annunciation and Visitation through role playing, story writing and art work.
We loved watching the Pantomime of Cinderella and eating our Christmas dinner. We wrote Christmas cards to send home and began making Christmas crafts.
Our Nativity performance of ‘The Bossy King’ was a huge success! We sang, acted, danced and smiled all the way through! Thank you to those who came to see us.
Week beginning 4th December 2023
We have really embraced the Advent season this week in Early Years and Year 1. First, we made our Christingles and took part in the whole school service. Then, we made our own advent wreaths and class advent calendar, coming up with a list of kind acts we can do each day.
We have also learned about some Polar Explorers and discussed what they would have taken with them on their trips. In our PE lesson we went on an adventure to the South Pole, travelling through the deep snow and meeting penguins!
Week beginning 27th November 2023
This week in Early Years and Year 1 we have been exploring different seasons across the world and in our own area. We have all filled in a daily weather chart for the morning and afternoon – we have had rain, ice and snow this week already!
We made a sail boat in our creative area, and have enjoyed role playing in it, sailing off to far off lands. We have also created some art pieces using the leaves we collected on our Autumn walk.
We have been practising our Nativity with Year 2, along with singing the songs in class. Some children have even written their own scripts to practise their lines and perform the songs.
Week beginning 20th November 2023
This week in Early Years and Year 1 we have continued looking at the Polar Regions – the North Pole and South Pole. We have looked at where they are on Earth, and compared them, focusing on the different animals that live in each. We also have had ice in the water tray, investigating the best ways to melt it the fastest.
We have been learning about road safety, through attending a whole school assembly, role playing crossing a road and using the small world cars and wooden town pieces to create our own streets and roads.
Year 1 have written a recount of our Autumn Walk – with everyone writing independent sentences! Reception drew pictures and labelled our adventure too – super work! Nursery have been using lots of accurate maths vocabulary while playing in the sand and water: empty, full, float, sink – brilliant!
We have loved the additions to our outdoor area, the new storage sheds and equipment, we have also loved playing on the trikes on the ’big yard’ at lunchtimes.
Week beginning 13th November 2023
This week was Nursery Rhyme week. We have focused on a different rhyme each day and took part in some creative activities linked to the rhyme, and sung and performed them as a class. This year’s rhymes are: Jack and Jill; Hickory Dickory Dock; Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes; Row, Row, Row Your Boat; and The Wheels On The Bus.
We all went on an Autumn Walk, in the school grounds, to collect Autumn items. Year 1 wrote instructions of how to prepare for the walk and shared these with Early Years before we all embarked on our adventure. We collected sticks, leaves of different colours - to dry and use in our creative area - and found ladybirds, snails and mushrooms.
It is also Anti-Bullying Week so we took part in some activities, such as, wearing odd socks to promote awareness and designing our own Superhero to choose which anti-bullying super powers we would like to have.
Week beginning 6th November 2023
This week in Early Years and Year 1, we have made sea creatures to help decorate our new Under the Sea themed classroom. We have made crabs, fish and an octopus.
In PE we used the apparatus to show different ways of moving over, under and across, showing great balance and agility.
We have also learned about Remembrance Day through attending whole school assembly and taking part in creative activities, making poppies in a variety of ways.
Wb 30th October 2023
This week we have moved into our new provision! We love the new classrooms and outdoor area. One room is an Enchanted Forest theme and the other Under the Sea.
In RE we have re enacted Baptising baby dolls and saying the correct words the Priest says. We have all learned about Black History Month through music, and Year 1 found out about Mary Seacole.
We have also created Halloween and Bonfire Night themed artwork.