In February, St George’s supported Children’s Mental Health Week, with this year’s theme of ‘My Voice Matters’. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. When we feel empowered, there’s a positive impact on our wellbeing. Children who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem. We want children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be empowered to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.
We also took part in ‘Inside Out Day’. Everyone came into school with an item of clothing inside out. The idea is to help us to explain how we are feeling inside - getting our inside feelings out in the open and encouraging discussion.
Throughout the week, the children took part in wellbeing activities, discussing our feelings, creating artwork, making feelings cards, playing games displaying and expressing our emotions and going ‘Inside Out’ – showing it’s ok to get our feelings (what’s inside of us) out into the open!
For further information on the above themes please visit the following websites:
My Voice Matters | Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - YouTube
Improving children’s and young people's mental health – Place2Be
Wellbeing Champions Assembly
St George’s Wellbeing Champions led an assembly sharing the importance of celebrating our differences and respecting each other. They explained that no two people are exactly the same, we are all different and unique which is what makes the world an exciting place to live in.
The whole school took part in an activity celebrating our differences by each decorating a jigsaw piece to represent something that makes us unique. This could have been something they are good at, something they enjoy doing, or simply a picture of themselves.
Once the pieces were decorated the Wellbeing Champions completed the jigsaw to create a St George’s picture, celebrating all of our differences and unique qualities.
Remember, it’s ok to be different, we need to respect and encourage our uniqueness. Imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same!
Children’s Mental Health Week and ‘Inside Out’ Day.
Children’s Mental Health Week began with an assembly, supported by the Well-being Champions, to highlight the importance of looking after our mental health. This helped us to recognise and understand our own feelings and emotions. We learned that we must ask for help and support when we need it, we discussed who we can seek support from and how to react to the emotions we feel, especially when we are overwhelmed. We also know how important it is to listen to each other and recognise the feelings in others.
Throughout the week, all classes have taken part in a range of activities - mainly sourced from If U Care Share, Place 2 Be and Picture Live. The numerous activities have included exploring emotions, connections, and building resilience and self-esteem.
On Friday 7th February everyone at St George’s went ‘Inside Out’ – wearing their clothes inside out to represent getting our feelings from inside of us out into the open. This helped us to spark conversations and highlight the importance of talking.
At St George’s we know it’s ok not to feel ok and we always have someone to talk to.